Friday, July 2, 2010

A Day Off!

So today is a national holiday for Ghana, Republic Day. July 1 is the day that Ghana severed all ties with Great Britain and became its own republic nation. Because of the holiday, everyone had the day off from work, so we were able to spend another day exploring Accra. Some new volunteers also arrived today, so we were also able to take them out and show them around on their first day. After having breakfast and hanging out at the hotel for a while, we all left for the Accra Mall. Our first stop was the food court, of course, where I enjoyed another delicious, but expensive pizza. We all just walked around and explored the mall after that. Everything is so expensive there!!! The DVD version of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was selling for 45 Ghana Cedis (more than $30!). I thought about looking at some dresses, but I just figured there was no point since I knew I wouldn’t be able to afford them. Next, we went to see a movie! Ten college students all over the age of 19 went to go see Toy Story 3. I think we all looked pretty silly, but it was actually a pretty good movie. I was definitely entertained! One of the volunteers had mentioned another market that he found near the mall, so we all decided to go there next. This was a great market kind of tucked away off of the highway. They don’t get many visitors, so this is the place to go for good prices! We all had fun looking around in the shops and buying a few things. I got a pretty big painting for 5 Ghana Cedis!!! Overall, it was a great day and a good way to introduce our new friends to Accra. We’ve got another day at work tomorrow, but then it’s the weekend! Ghana also plays again tomorrow evening, so of course we will be watching that!

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